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중동, 미주, 유럽, 동남아 등등 이미 전 세계적으로 디자인과 품질성을 인정 받은 COCKTAIL & EVENING DRESS FABRIC 은 가장 자신있는

리엠 레이스  만의 프리미엄 라인 입니다.

Cocktail & Evening Dress Fabric, which has already been recognized for its design and quality around the world,

 including the Middle East, the Americas and Southeast Asia, is the most confident part.
This is the premium line of LiEM race.


  LiEM Lace

ⓒ 2020. LiEM Lace All right reserved.

Tel. +82 70-4118-6026 (MON-FRI 11:00-18:00 OPEN)   | Fax. +82 2-6280-5026 | E-mail.
B1512, Teratower2 Songpa-Daero 201 , Seoul, Korea ㅣ Biz License 2020-서울송파-1693

Hosting by I'MWEB